Unmanned Aviation
Enable Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) communications, real-time Command and Control (C2), video streaming and data transmission, and more, with broadband and midband satellite communications through Iridium Certus.
SKYTRAC’s partnership with Iridium enables operators and OEMs to leverage globally available, lightweight satellite communication systems for low latency, high throughput connectivity. SKYTRAC’s Satcom system provides cutting-edge capabilities, broadband connectivity, and limitless applications in a daringly small form factor for reliable, robust, and proven global communications.
The #1 Option for UAV Satcom Connectivity
SKYTRAC is a leading provider of broadband and midband satellite communications connectivity for UAV OEMs and operators around the globe. Our broadband IMS-350 and midband DLS-100 provide numerous capabilities and interfaces in a lightweight and small form factor, enabling up to 704 Kbps of data throughput from any point on the globe.
Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) Communications
Gain Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) communications with SKYTRAC’s IMS-350 and DLS-100 Satcom terminals. Leverage Iridium Certus’ truly global network for guaranteed connectivity around the world.

Real-Time Command and Control (C2)
SKYTRAC’s unmanned aviation terminals enable lightning-fast command and control with latencies under 500ms using Iridium NEXT Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites.
Artifical Intelligence (AI) & Sensor Fusion for C4ISR
Gain new capabilities with onboard artificial intelligence and sensor fusion. Seamlessly fuse, process, and analyze camera and sensor data to transmit mission-critical information to command and control centers in real-time.

Real-Time Flight Data Monitoring
Analyze and report on your aircraft fleet performance. Enable custom flight data monitoring capabilities for deep insights into your UAV/UAM flight operations.
The IMS is SKYTRAC’s answer for Broadband L-Band Iridium Certus connectivity, capable of up to 704 Kbps of low latency Satcom, Cellular, and Wi-Fi connectivity. Customize your unmanned aerial operations with a variety of capabilities.

Please note that this is a conceptualization of our new lightweight Iridium Certus solution offering.
A super lightweight Data Link solution for unmanned aviation, SKYTRAC’s DLS-100 Satcom terminal provides up to 88 Kbps of bandwidth, enabling real-time video and data transmission from any point on the globe. Enabling real-time command and control, telemetry streaming, and photo transfer from unmanned aviation systems.

Custom Solutions
Various hardware and service options available. For accurate pricing, contact a technical sales expert at sales@skytrac.ca
Satcom Systems
Our flagship Iridium-based satellite transceivers offer the world’s only true pole-to-pole satellite network, allowing rich capabilities with 99.9% uptime.
Capabilities and Services
Enable capabilities critical to your flight operations with SKYTRAC. Over 7,500 users across the world trust our solutions.
Antennas & Accessories
Enhance your mission-critical capabilities with SKYTRAC’s leading suite of antennas as well as system-enhancing accessories.
Get in Touch
Speak with a connectivity expert today. We are eager to discuss your business needs.